Showing posts with label Ziggy Marley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ziggy Marley. Show all posts

Sep 28, 2013

Music and Religion

I'm a huge fan of Disturbed ever since I was first year high school. I've been listening to them starting from their The Sickness album to The Lost Children. They are currently on a hiatus mode but I will patiently wait for their next album. Anyway, this post is about musicians' point-of-view to religion.
Photo courtesy of Ted Van Pelt.
Disturbed's second album is controversial. The symbol that you can see in the photo above makes the album controversial. The name of the album is Believe and its front cover has that symbol printed on it. Naive people thought that the symbol is somewhat Satanic. Well, I would love to tell you it's not and it even have a wonderful meaning. In a live performance video, starting at 1:53, Draiman explained:
  1. "It is a symbol of universal belief"
  2. "You have the Cross standing for Catholicism and Christianity"
  3. "The Star of David standing for Judaism"
  4. "The Pentacle standing for Paganism and Wicca"
  5. "That is not a Pentagram!"
  6. "We do not acknowledge the existence of Satan in the first place"
  7. "The final addition to the symbol is the Crescent Moon of Islam"
I agree with Draiman. Is it not bothering you that religions are there to harmonize mankind yet they even create boundaries and disconnects? I'm proud to say that I really don't care about other's religion. As long as you are nice and you care for others, that alone is a good religion. To wrap it all, I'll say
"Love is my Religion"
that is the title of a song from Ziggy Marley, a Grammy Award winning artist and son of the legendary Bob Marley. Love encompasses almost any religion. I guess.